Wednesday, August 16, 2006

my boss just sneezed like 20 times in a row...

...isn't your head supposed to explode after 4?!?

i can't believe it's only wednesday... this week is going by so slow... the only thing getting me through the day is knowing that i have an egg salad samich waiting for me in the fridge after work (mmmmm...)...

so i'm having a mental debate with myself?!? i can't decide what type of floors i want in my new house (YEAAAA!!!)... appease me blogger community... what do you think, hardwood or tile?!?


  1. tile in the kitchen/bathrooms...where would you wanna put the hardwood?

  2. i guess i would put the hardwood all over the first floor (living room, dining room)... but if i do that then ill probably put it in the kitchen too b/c it wouldnt look right going from tile to hardwood where the dining room meet the kitchen... would it?!? oh i just dont know... i wish i could get it put in and if i dont like it get it replaced... i was just thinking it would be easier to decorate w/ hardwood floors b/c they'll match everything...

  3. wellll...if you played the Sims you could create the look you want on the computer, but, ya each her own.
