Friday, August 25, 2006

if ever there were an obsession...

...mine is filling out these silly surveys...

62 Odd Questions. Be truthful.

1) Do you talk in your sleep?
I wouldn’t know, I’m sleep...

2.) Ocean or pool?
For swimming- pool.. For laying out- ocean...

3) What's your favorite song at the moment?
Pretty much every song on kirk franklin’s album... And that song by that white boy that goes “shut up shut up shut up shut up, mentirosa”...

4) Current Crush?
That CUTE inspector that inspected my house (literally, NOT figuratively) last week...

5) What's your favorite color(s)?
Black... B/c black is BEAUTIFUL

6) Window seat or aisle seat?

7) Ever met anyone famous?
Besides myself... Uum... Cant say that I have... Maybe some newscasters or something...

8) Do you feel that you've had a truly successful life?
Um, I’m doing well for myself... Hopefully I’ll be REALLY successful in like 2 years...

9) Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?
Cut then twirl...

10) Ricki Lake or Oprah Winfrey?
PLEASE... What kinda loser would choose ricki over Queen Oprah?!?

11) Basketball or Football
Basketball... Only b/c the men are tall and they don’t have helmets covering their faces... Yummy!!!

12) How long do your showers last?
Waaay too long.. Like 15min... If im washing my hair then like 45min...

13) Do you know how to drive a stick?
Tried to learn once and it just wasn’t working...

14) Cake or ice cream?
Mmmmm... Cake from gold star bakery (all you atliens PLEASE do yourself a favor and get some)...

15) Are you self-conscious?
When im having my fat days (which lately has been like everyday)

16) Have you ever given money to a bum?
Im sure I have, I don’t remember... (I know, im a horrible person)...

17) Have you been in love?
I dunno... I don’t think...

18) Where do you wish you were?
On the beach!!! Or at the very least at home (as opposed to in my cubicle)...

19) Have you ever ridden in an ambulance?
Luckily no...

20) Can you tango?
I can try...

21) Last gift you received?
Digital camera from mi mama...

22) Last sport you played?
Uumm, is walking on a treadmill a sport?!?

23) Things you spend a lot of money on?
COMIDA!!! I like to eat you know...

25) Last wedding attended?
Omg sooo long ago... Jesse & bunny... My dad’s best friend...

26) Favorite FAST food restaurant?
Quiznos... YUMMY...

27) Most hated food(s)?
Meat... YUCK!!! And mayonnaise...

28) Can you sing?
You bet your sweet bippy I can sing...

29) Last person you called?
My realtor...

30) What's your least fav. chores?
Cleaning the bathroom... Its so lame... I just wish it wouldn’t get dirty...

31. Favorite Drink?
h20... Orange juice...

32) Are you a vegetarian?
Of course... 12 years and counting...

33) Do you believe in Heaven?
Of course...

34) Do you miss someone?
A few...

35) Have you ever come close to dying?
Everytime I get behind the wheel (no, but really)...

36) What jewelry do you wear 24/7?
My mom’s wedding ring and wedding band... Silly men think im married, but it’s on my RIGHT hand fools... And the earring in my cartilage...

37) Are you eating?
Unfortunately no :(

38) Do you eat the stems of broccoli?
Of course, im no child...

39) Do you wear makeup?
When I wanna look cute (I mean cutER)...

40) Can you dance?
When I want...

41) Would you ever have plastic surgery?
Only if it was 100% necessary (like not just cosmetic)..

42) What do you wear to bed?
Whatever I happen to fall asleep in...

43) Have you ever done anything illegal?
I ran a red light today... But like, not just like your occasional “barely missed the yellow light” run... But a full on “I’m running the light and need to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law” run... Oh, good times...

44) Can you roll your tongue?
Um, whatever that means...

45) What kind of sneakers?
You mean tennis shoes?!? Um, I like adiddas...

46) What is your hair color?
A few shades of brown...

47) Future child's name?
You’re getting ahead of yourself... I need a man to make babies with first...

50) Do you snore?
I’ve been told (and tape recorded for proof) that I do...

51) If you could go anywhere in the world where would it be?
Australia... Oh one day...

52) Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
Of course!!! It’s me and paw everynight...

53) If you won the lottery, what would you do first?
Pay off my, my moms, and my brothers bills...

54) Gold or silver?
Eh, gold I suppose...

55) Hamburger or hot dog?
Guacala!!! Refer to #32 please...

56) If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Oooo, good question... Hmmm... Probably pasta b/c that’s what I eat almost everyday anyways...

57) City, beach or country?

58) What was the last thing you touched?
The computer mouse...

59) Where did you eat last?
I went to henris bakery for lunch (mmmmmmm)...

60) When's the last time you cried?
Maybe a few weeks ago...

61) Do you read blogs?
It’s a minor obsession (thanks trint)...

62) Would you ever go out dressed like the opposite sex?
Just say the word...


  1. umm.....u introduced me to don't blame me! (p.s. ur back and in full effect!! lol)

  2. 28) Can you sing?
    You bet your sweet bippy I can sing...

    LLLMMMAAOO!!! Please don't lie to your faithful readers like that!
